ADHD in Focus is a place where I can download my thoughts on ADHD and neurodiversity. I have aggregated a large amount of information from various sources including books, textbooks, online articles, and podcasts, and also from experience in working with numerous ADHD assessment and therapy clients. Raising a neurodivergent child has also informed my understanding of ADHD and its treatment. These blog posts are built upon an evidence base, but also contain anecdotal information, including opinions. I also update them as more information or useful resources come to light. To keep up-to-date with newly-released posts you can subscribe below.
Other publications
We are Psychologists and Our Child Has ADHD. We Are Searching for Answers, Too - on ADDitude
"I’m Recovering from ‘Hyperfocus Burnout.’ It’s Been Six Years.” - an article co-written with a client on ADDitude
"Late Nights, Later Days: The Under-Recognized Impact of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome in ADHD" an article co-written with sleep specialist clinical psychologist Alex Mortlock on ADDitude