One of the most common behavioural challenges that I see in my clients with ADHD is extreme difficulties in initiating tasks, even those that are important or personally meaningful. There are several ways I try to help people increase the likelihood of initiating a task. One of these is by using implementation intentions.
What Are Implementation Intentions?
I first learnt about implementation intentions in a post-grad health psychology course, and it's the thing I most remember and have used the most from the course. Implementation intentions are aimed at bridging the gap between intending to make a change and actually taking action. The research found that creating specific “if-then” plans significantly increased the likelihood of follow-through, especially for tasks that might otherwise feel daunting or easy to postpone.
The underlying principle is that pairing a clear situational cue with a defined action makes it easier to initiate the behaviour. By deciding in advance when, where, and how to act, you reduce the mental effort required to start a task and increase the likelihood of following through.
For example, instead of setting a vague goal like, “I need to start exercising,” an implementation intention might look like this: “If it’s 7:00 am on Monday, then I will put on my sneakers and go for a 15-minute walk.” This structure provides clarity and turns a broad intention into a specific and actionable plan. For a person with ADHD I would strongly encourage setting an alarm to go off at 7:00 am to prompt the action.
Why Do They Work?
Implementation intentions work by:
Reducing decision-making effort: Having a clear plan removes the need to make decisions in the moment, which can feel overwhelming.
Tapping into environmental cues: The “if” part of the plan serves as a trigger for action.
Strengthening automaticity: Over time, repeatedly acting on your implementation intentions may help transform challenging tasks into more automatic behaviours.
How to Create Effective Implementation Intentions
To create an implementation intention, follow these steps:
Identify a specific task or goal: Choose something you’ve been struggling to start. For example, writing a report or preparing meals in advance.
Pinpoint a clear “if” situation: Think about when or where you’re likely to perform the task. This could be a time of day, a specific location, or a recurring event.
Define a concrete “then” action: Plan the first step you will take when the “if” situation occurs. Keep it small and manageable.
Examples of Implementation Intentions
Here are some examples tailored to common ADHD-related challenges:
Starting a Work Task
If it is 9:00 am and I have logged into my computer, then I will open my task list and spend five minutes prioritising my top three tasks.
Keeping Up with Housework
If I finish eating dinner, then I will load the dishwasher before leaving the kitchen.
If I am leaving my bedroom to go to the kitchen, then I am taking dirty dishes back with me.
Preparing for the Next Day
If it is 8:30 pm, then I will set out my clothes and pack my bag for tomorrow.
Responding to Emails
If I start my workday, then I will spend the first 15 minutes replying to emails flagged as urgent.
Food Related
If it is 12:30 pm, then I will stop what I am doing and eat food.
If it is 8:00 pm on Sunday, then I will make a meal plan and shopping list and order groceries online for delivery on Monday.
Tips for Success
Start small: Begin with one or two implementation intentions for tasks that feel achievable. Success builds momentum.
Write them down: Keeping a visual reminder of your plan can help solidify your intention.
Adjust as needed: If a plan doesn’t work, tweak the “if” or “then” component to better suit your circumstances.
Set Alarms: If your behaviour has a time contingency, set an alarm to remind you at that time.
Final Thoughts
While no strategy is a one-size-fits-all solution, implementation intentions are a practical and research-backed approach to overcoming the hurdle of task initiation. By turning intentions into actionable plans, you’re more likely to take the first step, which is generally the hardest part.
Wikipedia provides a fairly good summary of implementation intentions